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A great little blog editing tool

I’ve been using a program called MarsEdit for the past week, which is really, really good. Here’s a screenshot of it:

Picture 3.jpg

Now, to start off with, it shows the blogs that you have an account with, and when you select it, it shows you the posts that you’ve written to it. (Obviously this is after you’ve set it up accordingly.) From here you can create a new post, delete a current post, or edit a post.

When you create or edit a post, you get the following window:

Picture 1.jpg

And this is the part that I like most of all – the Categories on the right. A third party program that actually gets the categories right when trying to edit a Blogger post!


I like it so much…

Anyway, it’s called MarsEdit, and it’s available here, but only for Apple computers. I really feel privileged now.

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